06.12.2010 в 01:28
Пишет mysteryofobscurity:Как же я люблю такие вещи
Rose: Can you help me? What sort of things would you put on a wedding? I’m horrible at this.
The Doctor: I… You’re getting married?.
Rose: I’m thinking about it.
The Doctor: oh.
Rose: it sounds weird, doesn’t it? -She smiles- So, can you help me?.
The Doctor: You should ask someone else… I’m just a Doctor.
She giggles.
Rose: Funny, I had a… -she pauses- friend who…
The Doctor smiles.
Rose: …Doctor?.
The Doctor: Getting married, huh?
URL записиRose: Can you help me? What sort of things would you put on a wedding? I’m horrible at this.
The Doctor: I… You’re getting married?.
Rose: I’m thinking about it.
The Doctor: oh.
Rose: it sounds weird, doesn’t it? -She smiles- So, can you help me?.
The Doctor: You should ask someone else… I’m just a Doctor.
She giggles.
Rose: Funny, I had a… -she pauses- friend who…
The Doctor smiles.
Rose: …Doctor?.
The Doctor: Getting married, huh?