ради меня он готов убить, ради тебя - умереть
я мечтала это увидеть!

14.01.2012 в 16:33
Пишет Irene [let us have dinner] Adler:Пишет -Aliana-:
URL записиШерлок-детали: смски и let's have dinner

From: The Woman
I'm not hungry, let's have dinner.
Bored in a hotel. Join me. Let's have dinner.
John's blog is HILARIOUS. I think he likes you more than I do. Let's have dinner.
I can see tower bridge and the moon from my room. Work out where I am and join me.
I saw you in the street today. You didn't see me.
You do know that hat actually suits you, don't you?
Oh for God's sake. Let's have dinner.
I like your funny hat.
I'm in Egypt talking to an idiot. Get on the plane, let's have dinnner.
You looked sexy on Crimewatch.
Even you have got to eat. Let's have dinner.
BBC1 right now. You'll laugh.
I'm thinking of sending you a Christmas present.
I'm not dead. Let's have dinner.
Happy New Year
From: The Woman
Goodbye Mr Holmes
И перевод на русский
URL записи
From: The Woman
I'm not hungry, let's have dinner.
Bored in a hotel. Join me. Let's have dinner.
John's blog is HILARIOUS. I think he likes you more than I do. Let's have dinner.
I can see tower bridge and the moon from my room. Work out where I am and join me.
I saw you in the street today. You didn't see me.
You do know that hat actually suits you, don't you?
Oh for God's sake. Let's have dinner.
I like your funny hat.
I'm in Egypt talking to an idiot. Get on the plane, let's have dinnner.
You looked sexy on Crimewatch.
Even you have got to eat. Let's have dinner.
BBC1 right now. You'll laugh.
I'm thinking of sending you a Christmas present.
I'm not dead. Let's have dinner.
Happy New Year
From: The Woman
Goodbye Mr Holmes
И перевод на русский
я вчера пересматривала Скандал в 4 раз, ставила на паузы и читала все смс, а сегодня нашла это